Z mags is a must..!!
LadyZ, her friend and Royalstaaarrrr...
MuscularZ & CilsideZ
WadeZ, DeneZee & Sigfried
Karaoke mode on
Singing couple :)
Zamski, WhiteZ & CilsideZ
Invited guest :)
Light support
MBs (Meister boys)
CilsideZ's rims coming soon
Thats all for this year's events & activities from BZOCA. Would like to extend a big gratitude for all the BZOCA member's time and effort throughout 2008's events & activities. Also not forgetting other car club's invites throughout 2008, a big thank you from BZOCA and all the best for your club. We all are looking forward for 2009 for more new members, new mods, new events and also new memories. Thank you for visiting.