Its a 2 day event which will be held in KB so new members are encouraged to join in for a formal introduction and meet up with old members of BZOCA. Details of the AMBC as per below:
28th November 2009 (members overnite in KB)
6:00pm - 8:00pm : Futsal friendly match
8:30pm - 9:30pm : Check in (for those who decides to overnite stay)*
9:30pm - 11.00pm : Dinner
11.30pm onwards : Photoshoot or nite cruise
For members who want to stay overnite,we will book accommodations to be used by BZOCA members from outside KB
29th November 2009 (members overnite in KB)
9:30am - 10:30am : Checkout
10:30am - 11:30 am: Setting up and booking a spot for bbq.
12:00pm onwards: BBQ..!!!
29th November 2009 (members cruising down to KB)
Meetup time: Will be notified soon.
Meetup venue: Will be notified soon. Members from Bandar, Tutong and KB will have a meetup venue.*
*There will be a nominated BZOCA member to lead the day.
So any members who are interested to go for the 2 full day event or just the bbq, please leave a comment here. Last date of confirmation to join will b 19th November 2009. Thank you and have a great weekend
28th & 29th November 2009
1. CilsideZ
2. MuscularZ
3. WadeZ
4. D1sturbZ
5. VampZ
6. msk2705
7. Mas300zx
8. RavenZ
9. SpeedyZ
29th November 2009
1. JimSupraZ
2. RedZ
3. sVu-Z
4. ZaNiE350Z
5. DanieJo
6. StillenZ
7. YakZZ
28 maybe joining... but 29 join....
count me in D1
count me in on the 29th insyaAllah.. me and wadi.. mmmmmm~~~ ayaaaam BBQ~~ yum!!!!!
How come most of the gathering is in KB?
beeeecooosss... we cant go to KK nor Miri cos of road condition.. kan kan kan kan kan kannn...
bukan nya aku tuu ahhh.. Wadi lain tuuu obaaa... terperannjatt WadeZ ni hahaha... ada dua oreeenngggg dah wadi...
May Be Joining on the 28th and the 29th....Hopefuli nada call up for work...
Askum geng, cemani tu geng, biasanya, BZOCA cruising n gathering balah bandar n Tutong saja. Tembird alum penah. Kalau bbq KB, baru ja sekali tahun lapas. Kira ani memberi peluang kepada semua members yang lum penah ikut n kepada semua member2 baru untuk sama-sama merasakan keseronokannya MEMBZOCA. kalau ada kemusykilan, bleh dibincangkan sama2 tu geng. Dengan kehadiran biskita nanti geng, akan lebih mariah carey lagi acara ktani. ok tu geng. hihi... :)
bermadah madah kawan ku pulang utk mejawab soalan yg pendek.. Ku seru kata2 anda.. MEMBZOCA kitani... Seeepeeeeeeddd.....
siok makai engine basar ke kay bee bah....vroommmm ada urang gatal batis menakan karang di highway...masa 28 toh....
hai guys maybe dis 28 nda tantu..but insyallah 29 aku datang..
need to cinfirm lagi on the 28th atu. ada function..but 29 confirm dari bsb...
Insya Allah Will join on the 29th... atu pun kalau nada kana lagau kraja...
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