Monday, 1 December 2008

Quote of the week

"How high you go is all up to you..."

(Pic from


Anonymous said...

wow! atu tinggi spoilernya. awu, ingin hatinya plang kan masang n brapa tinggi ia mau, mun sudah tais liurnya. Bukan ia mgambil gambar ani di industrial muara kah tu backgroundnya atu wah.
Baik jua inda tutupnya tempat kuar ninja turtle di sebelah kiri atu, mun inda, mati tu ninja turtle dalam atu, bau buntu 2, hahaha....
tapi yg ku suka banar, bumper belakangnya n nampak exhaust systemnya. atu yg cantik tu.


Stealth_S7i said...

I believe D1sturbZ will go higher than this! hehehe

Anonymous said...

MuscularZ: Au d Muara tu hehe

Stealth: hahah nda lah bro.. its too high for my taste... but i would surely like to see someone doing it hehe...

Cegu said...

High power cars usually have those wings. Nice rear btw.

Hits since August 15, 2008