Thursday, 4 September 2008

Powerhouse Amuse Exhaust

Hello there readers. BZOCA would like to share what Powerhouse Amuse have to offer to Zs. As for your info, Amuse is affectionate in messing with titanium materials therefore most of the exhausts that they offer are made fully from titanium. Their main aim is to produce a light weight exhaust, hence reducing the weight of the car and producing a unique sound when stepping on the accelerator.

2 products that they offer in the exhaust department applicable for DE and HR engines. The R1 Titan Extra and the recent developed one The RS-silent. Both are made from titanium and are very light to handle.

R1 Titan Extra
Pics (taken from

- Material: Titanium
- Design: Mid pipe to single inlet with double barrel muffler
- Loudness: 89db
- Weight: 8.70 kg
- Power Gain: 11ps – 15ps
- Others: 3 tips to choose shown below with 3 different lengths to suit your rear kit or lip.

Pics (taken from

- Material: Titanium
- Design: Mid pipe to single inlet with double barrel silencer to double barrel muffler
- Loudness: unknown
- Weight: 10.9 kg
- Power Gain: unknown
- Others: 3 tips to choose shown above with 3 different lengths to suit your rear kit or lip.

One of the BZOCA happen to have the R1Titan Extra and would like to share a few videos so stay tuned for the next upcoming post.


VeilsideZ said...

Lawa biru titanium ani....cemana bunyinya nie ah

Anonymous said...

awu eh, asal biru andang lawa tu geng, :) hihi, bunyinya nyaman.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Devilz: RS Silent lg silent dr R1 titan but cost more coz more titanium materials are used

Hits since August 15, 2008