Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Sungkai Meet

Hello readers and BZOCA members. As you all know, we have been fasting for more than 3 weeks. About a week plus to go before Raya starts.

There will be another sungkai meet which will be the last meet during this fasting month. So for those who didnt make it during the previous sungkai meet, please come. Below are details of the upcoming sungkai meet. So far we have 10 Zs 13Zs confirm joining.

Date: 27th Sept 2008
Day: Saturday
Venue: will text you
Meeting up time: will text you
Meeting up venue: will text you
Last confirmation date: 25th September 2008 (early seats booking)

For those new Z owners who are interested to join, please email BZOCA your name and contact details before the last confirmation date. Thank you and happy fasting.


Anonymous said...

Hai kawan-kawan, hahaha, kana kajakan jua ku nie krg. Hari sabtu ani ktani akan berjumpa dalam satu majlis sungkai BZOCA di kb. Jadinya, sebelum kan jalan atu, teman2 cek keta abiskita dari segi minyak, tayar, roadtax, tangki aing,kad biru,cermin, lampu2an biskita atu dalam keadaan baik dan mencukupi.
Kilat2kan tia keta abiskita atu, hihi.. sbelum jalan, baca doa, bukan doa makan, doa sebelum memulakan perjalanan.
bah, atu saja dulu, saja gtau utk sama2 mengingatkan, take care kaliah..hihi..
sampai jumpa sabtu ani. tataaaa..

Anonymous said...

sia sia pun...lain kali ja ikut..gud luck sapa yg joiN..wacchaaa

Shagojyo said...


ada kwn ku yg happy ni hari sabtu ani,ia ada 2 surprise baru utk BZOCA member. satu kezutan..!!!!
ayo teman2 kita saksi kan ada kezutan ni hari sabtu..

Anonymous said...


hehehe... Pahamku maksud kejutan abiskita atu. :-)

Hits since August 15, 2008